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Adventskalender-Blog | Tür 16 – Rami Be'er

Today we are happy to open the Advent door number 16 for you. We present a very famous and prestigious choreographer: Mr. Rami Be’er. He is the Artistic Director of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and has been working many years together with us, the Norddeutsche Konzertdirektion. We value him very much as a choreographer and as a long-term partner. For him, the words “movement”, “communication” and “universality” are very much related to culture and dance.


NDKD: Thanks again, dear Rami for your time to take part in that Interview. We appreciate that very much!


NDKD: What was your first encounter with dance?

Rami Be’er (RB): I remember myself at the age of kindergarten putting on music for myself and moving to it.


NDKD: What does DANCE mean to you?

RB: An inner need for expression through movement. Significance to existence.


NDKD: What is your connection to the Norddeutsche Konzertdirektion?

RB: Through NDKD we’ve created cultural universal communication in the last couple of decades.


NDKD: Why did you become a Artistic Director  of a dance company?

RB: The meeting of dance and movement was for me an experience that I never experienced in any other dimension in such a meaningful way.


NDKD: How do you work exactly?

RB: I search for excitement, curiosity, research, and meaning that will speak to the heart and to the cognitive mind. It involves a lot of internal processes within myself and then with my dancers, searching for meaning, reason, and a meaningful artistic creation.


NDKD: What role does music play in connection with dance for you and why?

RB: Music for me is a core element of inspiration. I don’t know how to explain it, but from a very young age, I see images and movement via music. Music has the ability to take me to different dimensions.


NDKD: Who or what inspires you and why?

RB: Life around me is a source of inspiration. This can be when I look at nature, at my children, when I read a book or a poem or song. When I look at a statue or painting. People that I meet. These are all sources of inspiration.


NDKD: Your favorite choreography that you have seen/danced yourself?

RB: When I was a young dancer, we danced in the company ‘Stools’ Game’ by Jiří Kylián that was a significant experience for me.


NDKD: Why did you choose this photo, is there a story about it 😊?

RB: This photo was taken in Seoul, South Korea where we’ve performed several times at the MODAFE Festival.


NDKD: Do you have a particular thought that you would like to share with us?

RB: Following this Covid-19 period, we are still struggling with it, I hope that we will soon be able to come together to share performances live and not via the internet as there is no substitute for the live performance.

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