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News rund um NDKD

Adventskalender-Blog | Tür 5 – Franco Nieto

Behind the little Advent door number 5 we have a very special human being. A dancer with heart and soul: Franco Nieto. I met Franco the first time in 2015 at the Schrittmacher Festival in Aachen – he was a dancer at NW Dance Project from Portland. Today he is still a dancer, but also a teacher, a collaborator, and the Artistic Director of Open Space (You must check this out!). For him the words “Passion”, “Physicality” and “Vulnerability” are very much related to dance and culture. Franco describes himself as 100% grit with a soft heart.


Interview with Franco Nieto: 


NDKD: What does DANCE mean to you?

Franco Nieto (FN): DANCE to me is LIFE.


NDKD: Why did you become a dancer?

FN: I became a dancer because it was the only place, I could use my imagination to physically create different worlds, creatures, and beings to share with others.


NDKD: How do you work exactly?

FN: I'm always amazed by the magic that can be created if you let the universe fall into place and be open to not controlling it. I like to create work with the idea of organized chaos. I play with randomness to generate material and ideas, then refine from there. In a way it's unleashing our subconscious, allowing thoughts, emotions, and images to envelope the space of creation. Which is scary, but it’s also fun to watch the universe unfold. 


NDKD: Do you have a particular thought that you would like to share with us?

FN: A thought that I'd like to share with you all is that I believe artists are the best problem solvers. That came to bear during this pandemic. Unique thinkers found ways to continue to make space to create and share, even when the world stopped. With an uncertain future full of challenges, I think we should let more artists run the world!!! Just a thought.


NDKD: Your favorite choreography that you have seen/danced yourself?

FN: My all-time favorite choreography is “Minus 16” by Ohad Nararin. Specifically, the chair section, I love the repetitive nature, the humanness and the rawness that is in complete partnership to the music. I can still feel the excitement in my body as a child seeing this work for the first time. It still ignites me to create and move.


NDKD: We thank you again, dear Franco for your time and taking part to our Advent Calendar Blog. We miss you a lot!

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