Compagnie Illicite Bayonne

Compagnie Illicite Bayonne

Compagnie Illicite

Artistic Director: Fábio LOPEZ

About the Company

The COMPAGNIE ILLICITE BAYONNE was founded in 2015 by Fábio Lopez, its artistic director and resident choreographer. Deeply anchored in the history of dance, his work is part of the aesthetic lineage of David Dawson, Maurice Béjart, Jean-Christophe Maillot, and Thierry Malandain.


Since 2017, the city of Bayonne associates itself with the choreographic platform Oldeak, which allows an opening to other external choreographers and to multiple corporal places.


Moreover COMPAGNIE ILLICITE BAYONNE is supported by REPETTO. An organization which develops academic work accompanied by ancient and contemporary musical pieces to share it with the greatest number of people.

In January 2022, Fábio Lopez' sensational and full-length ballet Sleeping Beauty was created in collaboration with the Intranzyt Cia Portugal. Since then, the production has been toured very successfully throughout Europe.


January 2025 & December 2025

& upon request


yes, upon request

Photos: Stéphane Bellocq | We were kindly granted the rights to use the images of our companies.






6-8, program-dependent


min. 7m x 11m

"Batht in dark red light, the dancers create images of unreal beauty, but then disperse in different directions."

Südkurier, Corinna Raupach, 07.2018

"A new creation by Fábio Lopez that represents a milestone in his repertoire and transports us to a starry sky where suffering gives way to the joy of witnessing a ballet of dazzling purity."

Le billet de Bruno, Bruno Rozga, 05.2023

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