Spellbound Contemporary Ballet

Spellbound Contemporary Ballet


Artistic Director: Mauro ASTOLFI

About the Company

SPELLBOUND CONTEMPORARY BALLET (SPELLBOUND) was founded in 1994 by the choreographer and artistic director Mauro Astolfi, who is leading the company together with Valentina Marini in the role of the general manager and artistic director of programmation. Under their leadership, the company increasingly established itself on the international scene. Over the years, SPELLBOUND has developed into a prime ensemble, not only in Europe, thanks to the combination of Astolfi's personal portfolio and the dancers' outstanding technique. SPELLBOUND has consolidated a project-based vision that is closely linked to an international perspective and aims to create a high-profile model based on the quality of its projects and online partnerships.

The company's activities include, in addition to the main work of choreographer Mauro Astolfi, a series of online projects with other artists and institutions of international renown such as Jean Guillaume Weis, Sang Jijia, Marcos Morau, Dunja Jocic, Tomoko Mukayiama, Marco Goecke and Jacopo Godani, who will create an original creation for the company's thirtieth anniversary in 2024 on the occasion of the Pesaro Capital of Culture.

Since 2022, they have been recognized as national production center for dance in the city of Rome under the umbrella or Orbita|Spellbound with co-direction of Valentina Marini and Mauro Astolfi.


upon request


yes, upon request

Photos: Cristiano CASTALDI | We thank the company for the exploitation rights, all rights reserved.


modern, contemporary




6-9, program dependent


min. 9m x 14m

“The ensemble always surprises with new images full of aesthetics and pulsating joie de vivre... Stormy, long applause for the guests from Rome.”

Manfred Herker, Schweinfurter Tageblatt, 12.2019

“There were numerous shouts of bravo and thunderous applause for the Spellbound Contemporary Ballet - just reward for the artfully wild whirlwind that nine dancers had previously unleashed.”

Daniel Diekhans, Remscheider General-Anzeiger, 10.2019

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